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The sustainability of recreational boating. The case study of anchoring boats in Jávea (Alicante)
     The sustainability of recreational boating. The case study of anchoring boats in Jávea (Alicante)
     La sostenibilidad de la náutica de recreo. Estudio de caso del fondeo de las embarcaciones en Jávea (Alicante)

Cerchiello, Gaetano

Periódico: Investigaciones Turísticas

Fonte: Investigaciones Turísticas; Núm. 16: Julio-Diciembre; 165-195


Resumo: The mooring of recreational boats is just one of the many pressures suffered by the marine ecosystems of the Mediterranean coast. On the one hand, this study analyses the economic and social impacts of nautical tourism. On the other, it addresses the environmental sustainability, focusing on the damage caused by boat anchoring on seagrass beds. The specific case of the coastline of Jávea has been studied for this purpose; recreational boat traffic has reached massive proportions in this area in recent years. The paper analyses the measures taken by this municipality in the light of the action taken in other destinations of the Western Mediterranean. The research concludes with a number of recommendations at a local level which may help to minimise the environmental damage caused by this growing tourist practice.