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Local landscapes and the crossroads of ethnotourism: reflections about touristic projects of indigenous communities in Los Lagos Region (Chile)
     Local landscapes and the crossroads of ethnotourism: reflections about touristic projects of indigenous communities in Los Lagos Region (Chile)
     Los paisajes locales y las encrucijadas del etnoturismo: reflexiones a partir de los proyectos turísticos de comunidades indígenas en la Región de Los Lagos en Chile

Pilquiman, Marisela
Skewes, Juan Carlos

Periódico: Cuadernos de Turismo

Fonte: Cuadernos de Turismo; No. 24 (2009): Julio - Diciembre; 169-191


Resumo: The concept of etnoturismo has stimulated expectations revenue between the indigenous communities in southern Chile. Tourism, supported by institutions public and nongovernmental organizations, is reaching proportions of a magical story which will solve the problems that overabundant in such communities. The landscape and the tourism, as it is suggested here, can serve as a liaison between various, cultural worlds connecting the mythical geography, travels and traditional meetings with the most common practices of tourism.