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The spanish tourist coastline at the crossroads: between renewal and continuity
     The spanish tourist coastline at the crossroads: between renewal and continuity
     El litoral turístico español en la encrucijada: entre la renovación y el continuismo

Santos Pavón, Enrique Luis
Fernández Tabales, Alfonso

Periódico: Cuadernos de Turismo

Fonte: Cuadernos de Turismo; No. 25 (2010): Enero - Junio; 185-206


Resumo: This article analyses the recent development of tourist destinations on the Mediterranean and South Atlantic Spanish coastline. Special attention has been paid to the strategies implemented against the profound transformations detected in the sector; strategies ranging from the renewal and introduction of big changes in the tourist model to the upholding and strengthening of the prevailing model in our coasts from the sixties of the last century.