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Evaluation of natural attractions for the development of ecoturism in the Huasteca region, San Luis PotosI, Mexico
     Evaluation of natural attractions for the development of ecoturism in the Huasteca region, San Luis PotosI, Mexico
     Evaluación de los atractivos naturales para el desarrollo del ecoturismo en la Región Huasteca de San Luis Potosí, México

Vázquez Solís, Valente
Reyes Pérez, Óscar
Rivera González, José Guadalupe
Nicolás Caretta, Miguel
Reyes Hernández, Humberto

Periódico: Cuadernos de Turismo

Fonte: Cuadernos de Turismo; No. 25 (2010): Enero - Junio; 229-245


Resumo: This aims reveal the natural attractions suitable for ecotourism development in the Huas- teca region of the state of San Luis Potosi. This was sorted and classified natural tourism resources and, subsequently, differentiated levels of territorial units for the quantity and types of existing resources. Finally we discuss the elements to consider for community ecotourism project implemented in a territory whose municipal human development indexes show an ethnically heterogeneous context within such actions most be developed.