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Internal benchmarking in a purchasing centre of travel agencies
     Internal benchmarking in a purchasing centre of travel agencies
     Benchmarking interno en una central de compras de agencias de viajes

Montero Muradas, Isabel
Oreja Rodríguez, Juan Ramón

Periódico: Cuadernos de Turismo

Fonte: Cuadernos de Turismo; No. 26 (2010): Julio - Diciembre; 177-199


Resumo: The tourism sector is one of the most dynamic of our economy, but one that needs to implement new strategies to maintain its level of contribution to the GDP. The objective of this paper is to determine, through a probabilistic conjoint analysis using the Rasch model, the relative importance of the crucial factors in tourism supply for a strategic alliance between travel agencies: Travel Advisors Guild (TAG). The results highlight the positioning of the agencies that make up the TAG, as well as internal competitive imbalances.