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The residential tourism: a manifestation of new tourisms and new tourist behaviors in the 21st century?
     The residential tourism: a manifestation of new tourisms and new tourist behaviors in the 21st century?
     El turismo residencial ¿una manifestación de nuevos turismos y nuevos comportamientos turísticos en el siglo XXI?

Salvà Tomàs, Pedro A.

Periódico: Cuadernos de Turismo

Fonte: Cuadernos de Turismo; No. 27 (2011): Enero - Junio; 823-836


Resumo: The concept of residential tourism evolves from its conventional appreciation with similar motivations to the traditional mass tourism toward a new acceptance that implies the creation of new leisure spaces far from its origin territories. In this new acceptance, that implies a high residential human mobility, it is basic the search of a lifestyle in which is important the personal self-realization and a desire of a better life quality. The residential tourism conforms to this way like a manifestation of the new tourist behaviors in the 21 century.