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Differential preferences between men and women as hotel customers. An empirical application in a Madrid university
     Differential preferences between men and women as hotel customers. An empirical application in a Madrid university
     Preferencias diferenciales de los hombres y mujeres como clientes de hoteles. Una aplicación empírica en una universidad madrileña

Rodríguez Antón, José Miguel
Celemín Pedroche, María Soledad
Rubio Andrada, Luis
Alonso Almeida, María del Mar

Periódico: Cuadernos de Turismo

Fonte: Cuadernos de Turismo; No. 29 (2012): Enero - Junio; 231-245


Resumo: This paper presents a study of gender that analyze the necessities and preferences that the women and the men of an University of Madrid have when they lodge in hotel establishments. It has been proved that the women value, in more measure that the men, the different services that the hotels offer and that both genders have different preferences, so related with the characteristics of the rooms like, especially, with the facilities, products and services of the hotel.