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The tourisme in the Region of Riotinto Mine
     The tourisme in the Region of Riotinto Mine
     El turismo en la cuenca minera de Riotinto

García Delgado, Francisco Javier
Delgado Domínguez, Aquilino
Felicidades García, Jesús

Periódico: Cuadernos de Turismo

Fonte: Cuadernos de Turismo; No. 31 (2013): Enero - Junio; 129-152


Resumo: The end of mining activities in specialized areas (economic monoculture) has introduced the existence not only of important mining industrial heritage, but also of degraded landscape. Tourism, accordingly, emerged as an activity which is able to value and give new dimension for all landscapes that lost their productive function some decades ago. Therefore, the Region of Riotinto Mine, abandoned to the fate of «deindustrialization», claims new territorial role, this time approaching with tourism although some problems are unavoidable.