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Brand image «Andalucía» as tourist destination through the advertising campaigns «Andalucia smail you are» and « Andalucia te quiere»
     Brand image «Andalucía» as tourist destination through the advertising campaigns «Andalucia smail you are» and « Andalucia te quiere»
     La construcción de la imagen de marca «Andalucía» como destino turístico a través de las campañas publicitarias «Smail you are in Andalucía» y «Andalucía te quiere»

Martínez Pastor, Esther
Nicolás Ojeda, Miguel Ángel

Periódico: Cuadernos de Turismo

Fonte: Cuadernos de Turismo; No. 32 (2013): Julio - Diciembre; 207-228


Resumo: This paper analyzes the institutional advertising of Andalucía. The objective is to understand the meanings associated with the tourism brand of «Andalusia». The research technique used is «content analysis» and «sample» is three national and international advertising campaigns funded by the «Junta de Andalucía». Results show that brand «Andalucía» is associated, in all advertisements, with the meanings «sun and sand». However, there are meanings that are associated with «Andalucía» depending on «consumer representation» of each ad, such as «golf».