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New segments for cultural tourism. An approach to traveler film tourism behavior
     New segments for cultural tourism. An approach to traveler film tourism behavior
     Nuevos segmentos turístico culturales. Una aproximación al comportamiento del consumidor turístico cinematográfico

Rodríguez Campo, María Lorena
Fraiz Brea, José Antonio
Alén González, María Elisa

Periódico: Cuadernos de Turismo

Fonte: Cuadernos de Turismo; No. 32 (2013): Julio - Diciembre; 259-279


Resumo: This research analyzes the tourist profile, his attitude towards marketing, behavioral intentions and motives or reasons to consume film tourism. Using a sample of 484 interviews, the research proves the existence of a positive attitude towards the product and an interest in the promotional activities of the destinations through feature films. It also shows the existence of a number of reasons that should be known to adapt effectively to the needs of potential consumers and to increase their satisfaction.