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The territorial changes of Totonacapan Veracruzano, Mexico and their heritage cultural based on the touristic activity as a regional development strategy
     The territorial changes of Totonacapan Veracruzano, Mexico and their heritage cultural based on the touristic activity as a regional development strategy
     Las transformaciones del territorio y el patrimonio cultural en el Totonacapan veracruzano, México, basadas en la actividad turística como estrategia de desarrollo regional

Zúñiga Bravo, Federico Gerardo

Periódico: Cuadernos de Turismo

Fonte: Cuadernos de Turismo; No. 34 (2014): Julio - Diciembre; 351-372


Resumo: This article presents the results of an investigation that aimed to identify the processes that have led the drive for tourism in the Totonacapan region, in the state of Veracruz, Mexico, as a strategy of regional development, based on the use of territory and existing heritage cultural. Supported by an interdisciplinary focus between anthropology and geography, it was intended that the transformation of both elements enable conversion into consumer products for the touristic market.