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Designing and promoting experiences in a tourist destination. An analysis of research and action needs
     Designing and promoting experiences in a tourist destination. An analysis of research and action needs
     La creación y promoción de experiencias en un destino turístico. Un análisis de la investigación y necesidades de actuación

Carballo Fuentes, Rita
Moreno-Gil, Sergio
León González, Carmelo
Brent Ritchie, J. R.

Periódico: Cuadernos de Turismo

Fonte: Cuadernos de Turismo; No. 35 (2015): Enero - Junio; 71-94


Resumo: This paper goes through a comprehensive literature review in order to properly deal with such an important topic as «the experience». This work examines the experience dimensions, how to analyze them, and how to develop and promote a tourist experience, paying attention to the brand and events as a paradigmatic promotional tool. The main contribution of this paper focus in identifying state of the art about tourist experiences research, and it shows an operative framework to put into practice the tourist experience in a destination.