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Cooperation and governance for tourism development. Aranjuez as a case study
     Cooperation and governance for tourism development. Aranjuez as a case study
     Colaboración y gobernanza para el desarrollo turístico. Aranjuez como estudio de caso

Muñoz-Mazón, Ana
Velasco González, María

Periódico: Cuadernos de Turismo

Fonte: Cuadernos de Turismo; No. 35 (2015): Enero - Junio; 311-334


Resumo: This article describes the main reflections of an investigation about the possibility to create a destination management organization for the city of Aranjuez. In order to select the best tourism destination organization for a municipal level three categories need to be investigated: characterization of the type of tourism, relative importance of tourism and collaborative maturity of the tourism stakeholders. The conclusion is that there is notone single model of a public-private management organization that can be implemented directly. The specific context and conditions of tourism destinations determine which type of destination management organization can be designed and implemented.