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Film tourism and local economic development. The Festival of Cinema of Huelva
     Film tourism and local economic development. The Festival of Cinema of Huelva
     Turismo cinematográfico y desarrollo económico local. El Festival de Cine de Huelva

Flores Ruiz, David

Periódico: Cuadernos de Turismo

Fonte: Cuadernos de Turismo; No. 36 (2015): Julio-Diciembre; 175-196


Resumo: We analyze the importance of the promotion of the tourism and of the local development from the industry of the cinema. We pay particular attention to the local economic impact of the organization of festivals of cinema. We study the case of the Latin-American Festival of Cinema of Huelva. We conclude that the economic benefits of organizing this event are major that the costs, as the consulted bibliography say.