Publicações de Turismo
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The awakening of urban tourism in Spain: seaside resorts,leisure and urbanism in A Coruña, 1900-1935
     The awakening of urban tourism in Spain: seaside resorts,leisure and urbanism in A Coruña, 1900-1935
     El despertar del turismo urbano en España: baños de mar, ocio y urbanismo en A Coruña, 1900-1935

Lindoso-Tato, Elvira
Vilar-Rodríguez, Margarita

Periódico: Cuadernos de Turismo

Fonte: Cuadernos de Turismo; No. 42 (2018): Julio - Diciembre; 213-236


Resumo: The city of A Coruña showed a remarkable economic, demographic and urban growth in the first third of the 20th century, when a series of activities pursued insert the population in emerging tourism trends of the time. This research offers new data on companies, infrastructures and projects linked to the tourist sector in Coruña in order to study the scope of this insertion. The results reveal that tourism in Spain was an industry not only with potential but also with an effective impact on regional and local economic performance.