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The integrated tourism development potential of the municipalities the area around Castellón Airport
     The integrated tourism development potential of the municipalities the area around Castellón Airport
     El potencial desarrollo turístico integral de los municipios del área del entorno del Aeropuerto de Castelló

López Olivares, Diego
Ferreres Bonfill, Juan Bautista
Abdelouahab Reddam, Ouafae
Monteserín Abella, Obdulia

Periódico: Cuadernos de Turismo

Fonte: Cuadernos de Turismo; No. 42 (2018): Julio - Diciembre; 237-259


Resumo: The inland rural areas of the Western Mediterranean arc still show symptoms of the crisis of the agricultural models of the middle of the last century. However, despite these weaknesses, civil society in these areas is trying to take advantage of the new socio-economic dynamics, including those linked to tourism. In this respect, this research focuses on the territorial area around Castellón Airport consisting of nine municipalities: Benlloch, Borriol, Cabanes, la Pobla Tornesa, Sant Joan de Moró, la Torre d’en Doménec, Vall d’Alba, Vilafamés and Vilanova d’Alcolea (Municipalities of the Castellón Airport Zone – MUZAC), belonging to the county of La Plana Alta de Castellón (Valencian region). In this study, an integrated tourism methodology is applied, including the analysis, diagnosis and strategy design phases. We should highlight the public-private nature of the research, developing a Delphi-type Likert 5 questionnaire. Its results, together with an analysis of the elements of the tourism system, have been fed into a SWOT matrix which has provided us with tourism development proposals through sustainable strategies.