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Cruise tourism in the Mediterranean port-city interface: new era of the waterfront, with benefits in a Smart Destination
     Cruise tourism in the Mediterranean port-city interface: new era of the waterfront, with benefits in a Smart Destination
     Turismo de cruceros en la interfaz puerto-ciudad Mediterránea: nueva época del waterfront, con beneficios en un Smart Destination

Perea-Medina, Beatriz
Andrade, María J.
Rosa-Jiménez, Carlos

Periódico: Cuadernos de Turismo

Fonte: Cuadernos de Turismo; No. 42 (2018): Julio - Diciembre; 397-419


Resumo: This study is part of the literature on the cruise industry that focuses on the waterfront phenomenon and on the development of a new cruise-city interface promoted by cruise tourism. The development of a new era of waterfronts with the implication of cruise tourism is used as the starting hypothesis. It affects both the waterfront and the port, under the development of a new image as a gateway to the city and Mediterranean cities (mainly their historical downtown, since it is the attractive cultural area) which are part of the interventions in the search for the port-city relationship. In this sense, the positive and negative impacts of this type of tourism are listed after studying different cases of Mediterranean port cities. The integration through the development of a Smart Cruise Port in a Smart Destination, which would benefit the cruise-city interrelationship, is presented as a proposal.