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Ethnotourism: an approach to the opportunities y threats that it implies for indigenous cultures
     Ethnotourism: an approach to the opportunities y threats that it implies for indigenous cultures
     Etnoturismo: una aproximación a las oportunidades y amenazas que implica para las culturas indígenas

Acuña Medina, Doris Isabel
Gañán Rojo, Piedad Felisinda
Arango Alzate, Syra Bibiana

Periódico: Cuadernos de Turismo

Fonte: Cuadernos de Turismo; No. 43 (2019): Enero - Junio; 17-38


Resumo: This study, the first approach of its kind based on the bibliographic analysis of specialized scientific information on the subject, examines potential opportunities or threats facing ethnotourism worldwide, which should be considered when promoting transfer activities, technology appropriation or innovation, because they will be constituted either in vectors of change or in elements to overcome. Debates on the theme would be important for micro y small ethnic organizations to be competitive, achieving systemic changes with equity y social justice.