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Causes and consequences of the urban growth in the Valencian coast through land use evolution. The case of Oliva.
     Causes and consequences of the urban growth in the Valencian coast through land use evolution. The case of Oliva.
     Causas y consecuencias del crecimiento urbanístico en el litoral valenciano a través de la evolución de los usos del suelo. El caso de Oliva.

Morell Monzó, Sergio
Membrado-Tena, Joan Carles

Periódico: Cuadernos de Turismo

Fonte: Cuadernos de Turismo; No. 44 (2019): Julio - Diciembre; 303-326


Resumo: In this paper we have carried out a diachronic analysis about land uses evolution in Olive through a mixed method of research, based on photo-interpretation of aerial images (years 1956, 1991, 2015) using GIS techniques, on the one hand, and by means of a comprehensive bibliographic and field work, on the other hand. From this multimethod analysis, urban development and territorial dynamics are studied in a coastal paradigmatic municipality to explain the urbanistic development of the Valencian Mediterranean coast in the last decades.