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Basic knowledge for the development of scientific tourism in the Chilean Patagonia
     Basic knowledge for the development of scientific tourism in the Chilean Patagonia
     Conocimiento de base para el desarrollo del turismo científico en la Patagonia Chilena

Rovira Pinto, Adriano
Quintana Becerra, Daniela

Periódico: Cuadernos de Turismo

Fonte: Cuadernos de Turismo; No. 44 (2019): Julio - Diciembre; 327-349


Resumo: The especial interest tourism has had a strong increase in the Chilean Patagonia, being incorporated as one of the main objectives of the regional development. Inside this type of tourism, the scientific tourism appears with particular emphasis. In this work there has been checked the repository of thesis of the system of libraries of Universidad Austral de Chile to analyze his content related to Aysén's Region, specifically putting on attention in the contribution of the theses to knowledge supporting the scientific tourism. The information has been geo - referenced in order to detect the concentration of studies as well as the lack of scientific knowledge that can concern specific sectors of the Region. From this there can be identified the territories on which sufficient information exists, and those in which it is necessary to initiate specific investigations.