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From the first to the second strategic plan of tourism in Catalonia
     From the first to the second strategic plan of tourism in Catalonia
     Del primer al segundo plan estratégico de turismo en Cataluña

Torres-Solé, Teresa
Sala-Ríos, Mercè
Farré-Perdiguer, Mariona

Periódico: Cuadernos de Turismo

Fonte: Cuadernos de Turismo; No. 44 (2019): Julio - Diciembre; 441-465


Resumo: This paper analyses the Catalan tourism sector progress and trend since the first Strategic Plan of Tourism in Catalonia 2005-2010 until the second Strategic Plan of Tourism of Catalonia 2013-2016 with the aim of guiding and making proposals to be included in the next Tourism Strategic Plan. The results show that, despite the second plan has progressed in some aspects with respect to the first; there are several factors that have not been corrected. In this sense, the analysis that we carry out highlights some trends than should be included in future tourism plans.