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Conociendo El MUVIM: imagen cognitiva, imagen afectiva, motivación y satisfacción del visitante
     Conociendo El MUVIM: imagen cognitiva, imagen afectiva, motivación y satisfacción del visitante

Santateresa Bernat, Patricia
Florida Universitaria, Valencia
Martínez Francés, Vicente
Florida Universitaria, Valencia

Periódico: Papers de Turisme

Fonte: Papers de Turisme; No 54 (2013): Papers and Proceedings Conference on Innovation in Tourism and Hospitality CIT 2013; 183-200


Resumo: This research about theValencianMuseumof Enlightenment and Modernity (MUVIM), aims to describe the cognitive and affective image of the museum and to define what motivates the visit of its visitors and their satisfaction degree. The main contributions are (i) to obtain information in order to improve the visitors’ satisfaction and (ii) to describe the motivations and the image that both visitors and non-visitors have about the MUVIM.Surveys have been submitted to a sample of 179 people. The results of the analysis are merely descriptive. This research methodology can be used in other tourism attractions