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El modelo turístico de Benidorm: singularidad y retos de futuro
     El modelo turístico de Benidorm: singularidad y retos de futuro

Ivars Baidal, Josep A.
Instituto Universitario de Investigaciones Turísticas Universidad de Alicante

Periódico: Papers de Turisme

Fonte: Papers de Turisme; No 54 (2013): Papers and Proceedings Conference on Innovation in Tourism and Hospitality CIT 2013; 17-24


Resumo: This paper analyzes the singularity of the Benidorm tourism model, the basic indicators of the destination and the key factors that explain its recent evolution. From this analysis, the future challenges of Benidorm are identified. Challenges linked to three related areas: the interaction of the global tourism market with the action of local stakeholders; proactivity and response capacity of the destination; and the protection and projection of the urban-tourism model values of Benidorm.