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Intergovernmental Relations in the Argentine tourist field. Contributions to Mar del Plata case
      Intergovernmental Relations in the Argentine tourist field. Contributions to Mar del Plata case
      Las Relaciones Intergubernamentales en el ámbito turístico argentino. Aportes al caso Mar del Plata

Corbo, Yanina Analía

Periódico: El Periplo Sustentable

Fonte: El Periplo Sustentable; Núm. 39 (2020): Número Treinta y nueve; 190 - 207


Resumo: The decentralization processes characteristic of modern political systems has generated a new distribution of power within the State, giving rise to a greater role for the subnational government levels. In this multi-level and multi-organizational scenario, Intergovernmental Relations (RIG) arise, understood as the interactions that occur between the different government units. These relationships can be characterized by good coordination and cooperation in pursuit of a common state policy or sometimes be conditioned by conflicts of interest between the different jurisdictional levels, which can lead to incoherent policies and objectives or the overlapping of efforts and resources. Within the public administration, one of the areas that is gaining more and more prominence is tourism. Its complex and cross-cutting nature makes it an ideal space to analyze IBCs. The objective is to describe and analyze the relationships between public tourism agencies of the Argentine State that have an influence on the destination of Mar del Plata, with the intention of knowing their impact on local tourism policy and development.