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Searches on the Internet and its influence on the flows of tourists and visitors. The case of the sighting of fireflies in Nanacamilpa Tlaxcala.
      Searches on the Internet and its influence on the flows of tourists and visitors. The case of the sighting of fireflies in Nanacamilpa Tlaxcala.
      Búsquedas en Internet y su influencia en los flujos de turistas y visitantes. El caso del avistamiento de luciérnagas en Nanacamilpa Tlaxcala.

Ibarra López, Ignacio
Pérez Serrano, Adriana Montserrat
Mendoza, María del Pilar Cuecuecha

Periódico: El Periplo Sustentable

Fonte: El Periplo Sustentable; Núm. 36 (2019): Número Treinta y seis; 402 - 431


Resumo: In this work the main objective is to identify patterns of behavior of tourists caused by the use of the internet. The way in which the searches of certain words on the internet drive a response in the flow of domestic tourists that come to the state of Tlaxcala in Mexico is analyzed. The methodology used is a quantitative analysis of large-scale information on the Internet (Big Data), using a Time Series autoregressive vector (VAR) model. The main conclusion is that there is a differentiated impact according to the word that is searched on the Internet. The factor that attracts tourism is the availability of rooms, while for the case of visits is the existence of sighting.