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Estimate of the marginal propensity to consume of the cruise visitor in Cozumel
      Estimate of the marginal propensity to consume of the cruise visitor in Cozumel
      Estimación de la Propensión Marginal al Consumo del Visitante de Cruceros en Cozumel

Moo Canul, María De Jesús
Arroyo Arcos, Lucinda
Segrado Pavón, Romano Gino
Estrella Carrillo, Carlos Alonso

Periódico: El Periplo Sustentable

Fonte: El Periplo Sustentable; Núm. 30 (2016): Número Treinta; 106-126


Resumo: The aim of this paper is to analyze the Marginal Propensity to Consume (MPC) of visitors who arrived to Cozumel by cruise. The island is considered as the main destination of the Mexican Caribbean cruises. The economic theories give theoretical elements for this paper, the MPC is analyzed based on: disposable income and consumption, through the relation when a low income leads to a MPC on the destiny going to be low and vice versa.   This article was made based on desk work and review of documentary information, therefore the methodology is based on the indicators to the Ministry of Tourism of the state of Quintana Roo, bibliography review, and specialist shipping publications, like the Berlitz Guide. For the estimation of the MPC, it was analyzed the average expenditure, the economic benefit, and the profile of the estimated income of the visitors who up by cruise, according to the characterization of the type of shipping on the Berlitz Guide.   Is observed that the MPC of the visitors who up by cruise on the destination is limited by the estimated income. In this situation, it is necessary to validate if the promoters of tourism continuing with the actual positioning strategy that has the destination, because the MPC is low and the economic benefit is limited.   Keywords: Marginal Propensity to Consume, Cruise, Cozumel.