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Estimation of the economic value of the recreational service provided by an urban park using the contingent valuation method
      Estimation of the economic value of the recreational service provided by an urban park using the contingent valuation method
      Estimación del valor económico del servicio recreativo que presta un parque urbano mediante el método de valoración contingente

Flores Xolocotzi, Ramiro

Periódico: El Periplo Sustentable

Fonte: El Periplo Sustentable; Núm. 40 (2021): Número Cuarenta; 172 - 205


Resumo: A simple dichotomous Logit model of contingent valuation was applied to estimate the value of the recreational service of Parque México in Mexico City. An average annual value per person of $3 627.9 pesos was obtained for a model with only variable payment and intercept, both this model and its parameters were significant with a P-Value of 0.01. While, for a model that also includes variables of the sociodemographic profile of the visitor, only the variable payment and the monthly family income and place of residence were significant with at least a P-value of 0.05. In this model the average annual value per person increases to $3 691.6. It is concluded, like other investigations, that the acceptance of payment decreases as the proposed payment increases. The positive signs obtained in the proposed payment and the monthly family income have theoretically expected signs and coincide with the results of other park valuations. The conclusion is that new research is needed on the types of questions, scenarios and payment mechanisms that are used in the contingent valuation method and its effect on the estimated average monetary values.