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Accessibility in the gastronomic offer of the city of Viedma. Río Negro Province. Argentina
     Accessibility in the gastronomic offer of the city of Viedma. Río Negro Province. Argentina
     Accesibilidad en la oferta gastronómica de la ciudad de Viedma, provincia de Río Negro, Argentina

Cañulaf, Pablo
Rodríguez, Cecilia A.

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol 16 (2015): Enero-Junio; 31-42


Resumo: This research formed part of the premise of Accessible Tourism, considering the barriers that can present the cuisine to people with special food requirements. Starting with this concept, were taken as the object of study conditions such as Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension and Celiac disease, and the Vegetarians joined the perspective of Accessible Tourism considering they may encounter barriers in the enjoyment of food service. For this purpose a field, in the city of Viedma, yielded information on the existing cuisine and its situation with respect to the possibility of guests with special needs in their diet, as the segments under study was performed.