Publicações de Turismo
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Pseudo tourism: The tourist and his false practices during the tourism activity
     Pseudo tourism: The tourist and his false practices during the tourism activity
     Seudoturismo: El turista y sus falsas prácticas durante el ejercicio de la actividad turística

Tribiño, Luisa Fernanda

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol 17 (2015): Julio-Diciembre; 127-140


Resumo: This document aims to generate a reflection on the tourists and their motivations for tourism practices in certain places for leisure and tourism, where the conditions of the human population imbalances in terms of basic needs and human dignity. This research is carried out with a qualitative and inductive approach in which, after reviewing a tourist resort located in the National Park Corales del Rosario and San Bernardo, Colombia, and a conceptual review, it begins to build a hypothesis which opens new opportunities for reflection and discussion about what could be called pseudotourism or false tourism in relation to social tourism perspective, the motivations of access and the absence of reciprocity and community building spaces.