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The spanish castle on the stamp. Reflections on the brand, marketing and territory
     The spanish castle on the stamp. Reflections on the brand, marketing and territory
     El castillo español en la estampilla. Reflexiones en torno a la marca, el marketing y el territorio

Monroy Avella, Fernando

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol 18 (2016): Enero-Junio; 17-42


Resumo: Spain is a country of castles. Spanish stamps reflect a collection of evolving images of this edifice. This iconography is both symbolic and figurative, going from ideological instrument to the promotion of its heritage, and to cultural narrative. The 20th century bears the testimony of this dynamic, notably during the Franco regime, and shows that territorial marketing can be done through apparently banal and ephemeral images. By diverting the original function of the stamp, by restructuring its message, one sees it in a new light and a new discourse is revealed. This visual archeology comes to mind while understanding the will of power, its communicative initiatives and identity trends. Spain in its own way promotes its tourism through this brand image, its heritage of excellence: its castles.