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Formal and informal employment in the tourism sector in Colombia
     Formal and informal employment in the tourism sector in Colombia
     Empleo formal e informal en el sector turístico en Colombia

Leguizamón T., Manuel

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol 18 (2016): Enero-Junio; 179-187


Resumo: It is not enough to continue arguing that tourism is intensive in generating employment. It is accepted that this activity be polysemous and convergent not only demand more jobs compared with other activities, but this is diversified and specific job skills.The production chain requiring competitive tourism product associated companies whose size are part of the so-called informal economy. Many times these are concomitant with informal employment.This informal employment is associated with vulnerable conditions, no social security, no desirable employment benefits with less formal income, among other limitations.This document discusses what is called the participation of informal employment in Colombia’s tourism sector and how it is tending to the formalization of the companies that still carry out their activities based on the status of informal or “non-legal”.