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Cultural tourism training in educational institutions: an input of the program “colegios amigos del turismo” in Colombia
     Cultural tourism training in educational institutions: an input of the program “colegios amigos del turismo” in Colombia
     La formación en cultura turística en instituciones educativas: un aporte del programa “colegios amigos del turismo” en Colombia

Díaz Chaparro, Anaid
Machado, Rodrigo

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol 19 (2016): Julio-Diciembre; 49-71


Resumo: The main purpose of this article, is to analyse some characteristics that identify how educational institutions can develop tourism culture in the students, through fields like social sciences and natural sciences, as basic standards that they must teach by law, and the “Traveller Briefcase” as a pedagogical strategy. This study was applied in two schools that participated in the programme “Colegios Amigos del Turismo” program (CAT): The institutions are Francisco Serrano Muñoz located in San Juan Girón (Santander) and San José de Luruaco, located in Luruaco (Atlántico). The results allowed us to identify the activities that strengthen the tourism culture, according to the dynamic of each one.