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Panamá, Bocas Del Toro’s community perception about the impact of the tourism industry
     Panamá, Bocas Del Toro’s community perception about the impact of the tourism industry
     Percepción de la comunidad del archipiélago de Bocas del Toro, Panamá, sobre el impacto de la industria turística

Camargo Velandia, Mercedes

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol 19 (2016): Julio-Diciembre; 73-96


Resumo: In order to develop public policies that promote tourism and respond to climate change, it is require the analysis of social, economic and environmental variables. In the context of physically isolated areas such as islands, it depends on knowing the environmental characteristics and socio-economic needs of local communities to recognize the perceptions of individuals. This article focuses on the socials aspects and perception of the community about the socioeconomic and environmental impacts which has experienced in recent years as a result of the tourism that is developing in Bocas del Toro Archipelago. In the research 200 interviews were conducted during 2013 in 4 islands of Bocas where tourism activities are developed. The results of the study allow us to characterize the community and know their perception considering that they develop activities closely linked to tourism that are develop in a scenario highly deregulated and where there is a weak ability of control and monitoring by the state, which has driven a messy process of building and land use. The final conclusion of the study is that most part of the community is in favour with the development of the tourism industry because of its benefits. However, the euphoria that caused the sale of houses and land to foreigners in the 90s have caused a more critical and social vision. The most positive aspect of the tourism development in the area is its contribution to the dynamism of the local economy in comparison with 1983; also the improvement of infrastructure which has made the archipielago more attractive to people from elsewhere and look for job opportunities. The interviewees do not see a relevant damage in the ecosystem, nonetheless they recognize that they don´t have an environmental culture and knowledge to protect their beaches. Tour operators specifically assessed six service delivery, regulation and culture which are closely linked to the development of tourism. Access and opportunity to join the tour operator’s field favor foreigners of African descent and indigenous, it also shows that women generally earn less than men.