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Marketing mix and the behaviour of the food and beverage sector in Quito
     Marketing mix and the behaviour of the food and beverage sector in Quito
     Comportamiento del sector de alimentos y bebidas y los elementos del marketing mix en la Ciudad de Quito

Salazar Duque, Diego Alfredo

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol 19 (2016): Julio-Diciembre; 177-191


Resumo: Generally, it has been considered, that different criteria that are part of the traditional marketing mix have had a significant influence in the behavior of the service sectors. The object of this research is to analyze and determine the food and beverage sector’s behavior and its relation with some criteria that are part of the traditional marketing mix elements in Quito’s city. For that, four hypotheses, have been considered which are countered with a quantitative and qualitative data interpretation. The conclusion was that in Quito, the geography, the gastronomy dimension, the gastronomy movements and the promotion do not influence in a significant way in the market behavior, unlike the significant relation that exist between the geographical zone, the dish price and the maximum capacity of clients in restaurants to meet the demand.