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Servi Travel Ltda., A management proposal to improve its competitiveness and sustainability in the tourism sector
     Servi Travel Ltda., A management proposal to improve its competitiveness and sustainability in the tourism sector
     Servi Travel Ltda., Una propuesta de gestión para mejorar su competitividad y sostenibilidad en el sector turístico

Castro Gómez, Leidy Carolina
Ramírez Flórez, Laura Paola
Rodríguez Peláez, Laura Vanessa
Sierra Martínez, Laura Cristina
Torres Leguizamón, Silvana Carolina
Torres Sandoval, Laura María

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol 19 (2016): Julio-Diciembre; 193-212


Resumo: The object of this article is to create a management proposal to Servi Travel Ltda, through the analysis of external and internal variables such as: international and national context, strengths and weaknesses of the company and the travel agency’s economic sector. Based on Tom Lambert´s model for strategic planning, this proposal begins with the vision of Servi Travel Ltda., then it analysis its actual situation (opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses) and the mission of the organization; from that point, alternative strategies are proposed guided to a sustainable and rentable performance where some of them were chosen. Time, supervision, communication and responsibility of the follow up of the strategy is assigned on the members of the organization. The model ends when the company puts in practice the proposal and makes its own evaluation.