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Assesment: Without it there is no quality
     Assesment: Without it there is no quality
     Evaluación, condición sin la cual no hay calidad

Ramírez, Beatriz
Viatela, Cristina

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol 20 (2017): Enero-Junio; 211-240


Resumo: The following article shows - through the Systems Theory, the Scholar Efficiency, the Quality Education from the UNESCO, the models of Quality Management and the Guide for the improvement of the institutions – the importance of evaluation as a mechanism to improve education in the country and, in particular, to provide relevant, equitable and contextualized education; taking into account not only the person but also his/her relationship with the environment. Then, and according with the Guide 34, proposed by the Ministry of Education for the evaluation processes in educational institutions of Colombia, and given the Directive, Pedagogical, Administrative and Communitarian Management. The article presents the results of the intervention to 20 educational institutions that belong to the National Program “Schools Friends of Tourism” (Colegios Amigos del Turismo), under the guidance of the Tourism and Hotel Management Faculty from the Universidad Externado de Colombia. The aim was to propose considerations that contribute to the improvement, sustainability and good progress of this program. With a rating scale from 1-4, it will be shown that some institutions have reached a better development than others, but in general, the task has proved to be serious, systematic and gratifying, for both the consulting and the evaluation of the process, with an integral approach and in benefit of a sustainable tourism activity in Colombia.