Publicações de Turismo
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Global tourism chains and local development in the Amazon: Implications for community wellbeing. Leticia (Colombia)
     Global tourism chains and local development in the Amazon: Implications for community wellbeing. Leticia (Colombia)
     Cadena de valor turística y desarrollo local en el Amazonas: Implicaciones en el bienestar de la comunidad. Leticia (Colombia)

Pereiro, Xerardo

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol 20 (2017): Enero-Junio; 245-247


Resumo: Critical review of a book by Germán Ignacio Ochoa Zuluaga on the tourist value chain and the distribution of tourism benefits in a context of the Colombian periphery. The research work base of this publication has been made in Leticia, border area with Brazil and Peru.