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Regulation on corporate social responsibility at the hotels of Colombia
     Regulation on corporate social responsibility at the hotels of Colombia
     Regulación en responsabilidad social empresarial en la hotelería de Colombia

Téllez Bedoya, Carlos Arturo

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol 21 (2017): Julio-Diciembre; 217-229


Resumo: Nowadays, tourism and particularly hospitality is a sector that has shown a dynamic behavior in Colombia and the world. This has been evidenced in the increase in expenses derived from receptive tourism, however, this growth dynamic has not been equated with the assumption of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) actions by hotels.Also, in recent years regulatory initiatives have been appearing, which aim to guide the behavior of hotels and other organizations in this topic. Thus, this article aims to contribute the reflection on csr hotels in Colombia, evidencing the results of a qualitative research based on case study method that characterized the main regulatory initiatives synthetically and later developed a critical analysis based on discourse analysis and the perspective of HEC Montreal.