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Diagnostic of the tourism statistical system in the Magdalena department (Colombia)
     Diagnostic of the tourism statistical system in the Magdalena department (Colombia)
     Diagnóstico del sistema de estadísticas de turismo en el departamento del Magdalena (Colombia)

Vargas Leira, Freddy de Jesús

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol 21 (2017): Julio-Diciembre; 231-252


Resumo: This paper shows a diagnostic (until 2015) about the operation of the tourism statistical system in the Magdalena department (Colombia), as to its quality, reliability, specificity, accessibility, periodicity and methodological rigor; describing, before, how is this system’s operation in Colombia and how are in others Latin America countries. In addition, it achievesto identify the incidence of a consistent and rigorous statistical system for making decisions efficiently in public policies.The solution alternatives for the described problematic and some of the main factors that affect the efficiency of the regionals statistical systems in tourism are mentioned and identified.Secondary sources were collected and semi structured interviews were applied to public, private and academic authorities in the Magdalena department’s tourism sector, in order to obtain the most accurate results.