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Analysis of academic tourism in Monterrey (Mexico)
     Analysis of academic tourism in Monterrey (Mexico)
     Análisis del turismo académico en Monterrey (México)

Camargo, Blanca Alejandra
Quintanilla, Daniel

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol 23 (2018): July-December; 125-147


Resumo: Despite its economic impact and projection of growth in the next years, research on academic tourism is very scarce in Latin America. The present study examined the segment of international students who chose Monterrey, Mexico to purse a study abroad experience and the travel behavior during their stay in the country. Specifically, it identifies seven push factors that motivate students to seek educational experiences abroad and eleven pull factors that influence academic destination choice. International students contribute significantly to the local tourism industry and suggestions are made to attract students from the Asia-Pacific region.