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Development-tourism competitiveness: a Mexican urban destination
     Development-tourism competitiveness: a Mexican urban destination
     Desarrollo y competitividad turística: un destino urbano de México

Gómez Nieves, Salvador

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol 23 (2018): July-December; 183-197


Resumo: In this chapter, problems related to development competitiveness and tourist activity are analyzed. The importance of facing the difficulties to solve the low competitiveness in the international setting of the Mexican destinations is emphasized. Expressly, changing is needed in the tourism model that might guide the activity of tourism in Mexico. The dealing of issues related to development and competitiveness conditions in Mexico is questioned here. There is neither debate nor evaluation in the formulas and prescriptions issued by most academics –and practitioners–. This applies to Guadalajara Metropolitan Area (zmg) the main urban tourist destination in the state of Jalisco. The existing recommendations are not adapted to the tourism paradigm in nowadays world and, still less, to the needs of local communities. Thesis of this work: the relationship socio-economic development and tourism competitiveness.