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Critical relativity and knowledge of tourism
     Critical relativity and knowledge of tourism
     Racionalidad crítica y conocimiento del turismo

Muñoz de Escalona, Francisco

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol 23 (2018): July-December; 283-292


Resumo: Although there are those who ignore it, even those who obviate it, what we call reality does not stop being a mere theoretical construct. The men, (and also the women, of course) managed to name soon what they perceive with their five senses. That is why Genesis is correct in stating that at the beginning it was the Word; He meant: the Word. The ancient prophet was right. Thanks to his teaching we know what we see, touch, smell, taste and hear.  But Humanity was not stuck in its first nominations. To the rhythm of his slow evolution, and of his growing needs, he subjected them to tenacious criticism. From it comes the advance of knowledge, in general, and the scientist, in particular. The reality that we call tourism is not left out of this procedure. Therefore, today we have critical approaches that have given birth to interpretations (theories) submitted, like all, to the process of proposing, selecting and eliminating error, to restart the process in a cycle without end.