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Revision on tourist carrying capacity and the prevention of Environmental problems in emerging destinations
     Revision on tourist carrying capacity and the prevention of Environmental problems in emerging destinations
     Revisión sobre capacidad de carga turística y la prevención de problemas ambientales en destinos emergentes

Matos Márquez, Laura Andreína
Pérez Colmenares, Soraya del Valle

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol 24 (2019): January-June; 77-100


Resumo: The degradation of tourist destinations continues to grow product of uncontrolled actions, by their visitors, where natural resources are the most committed, among other factors, due to the lack of controls for the Regulation of the flow of tourists. Discusses the issue of the capacity of tourist load and its importance in the prevention of environmental problems especially in emerging tourist destinations, who take a major role as receivers of tourism, within the process of strategic planning and sustainable environmental management. This study addresses through mainstreaming analytical-documentary, since it involves the review of the academic literature for the analysis and comparison of pragmatic history on the use of methodologies to determine the indicator. Review, it is evident that none of the methodologies for this purpose is absolute application.