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Diversified coordination and learning dialogue for tourism value chains
     Diversified coordination and learning dialogue for tourism value chains
     Coordinación diversificada y diálogo de saberes para cadenas de valor de turismo

Ochoa Zuluaga, Germán Ignacio

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol 25 (2019): July-December; 151-168


Resumo: The global expansion of tourism industry has forced several indigenous populations to participate in the sector. Such participation affected negatively their traditional livelihood and internal relations. Several studies have focused on the analysis of control that lead firms exert over the whole chain. However, the coordination, as the mechanism that allows the transmission of information between agents, has receive little attention. The article expands over the variables of coordination as a methodological tool for analyze a case study of tourism in a National Park. We gather information with interviews, workshops, participant observation at institutional level and with indigenous populations. The participation of native populations in global tourism can be improve through long-term processes based on intensive communication between tourism agents and the implementation of diversified coordination that respect their own livelihoods.