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Gastronomic routes in the state of Meta: a proposal of tourist sustainability
     Gastronomic routes in the state of Meta: a proposal of tourist sustainability
     Las rutas gastronómicas en el departamento del Meta. Una propuesta de sustentabilidad turística

Prieto, Mario Fernando
Triana Valiente, María Fernanda

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol 25 (2019): July-December; 169-194


Resumo: This document is distributed as follow, firstly define the main subject of the research, the concept of gastronomic tourism, and contextualized gastronomic tourist at national and regional level, mentioning it´s importance for the economy and culture, then it explains about the profile and gastronomic tourist classes in accordance with the researched biography, next it mention 3 touristic routes in Meta department listing fairs and gastronomic days that take place during the year, also it mention and describe the typical dishes from the region, likewise a DOFA analysis is carried out, the construction of a gastronomic route is proposed with steps of consideration and finally in accordance with a applied surveys, results and respective conclusions are presented.