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Research on the image of tourist accommodations, and the involving dimensions: current situation and challenges in the future
     Research on the image of tourist accommodations, and the involving dimensions: current situation and challenges in the future
     La investigación sobre la imagen de los alojamientos turísticos y las dimensiones que la componen: situación actual y retos de futuro

Moreno Gil, Sergio
Picazo Peral, Patricia
Korstanje, Maximiliano

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol 25 (2019): July-December; 253-271


Resumo: The present essay review or review paper is oriented to give the readers with an allpervading explanation revolving around the problem of image and its dissociation from branding or the branding process. Based on the hospitality industry (or lodging product) our approach has two significant aspects. On one hand, there is an urgent need of introducing emergent and fresh qualitative studies which complement the open answers regarding the role of knowledge in the purchasing process. On another, no less true is that each product is enrooted into a temporal matrix, in which case the evolution of the branding process seems to be a point of discussion which be brought into the foreground by the side of marketing analysts. Still further, our argument emphasizes on the crucial role of face-to-face interaction as a relational platform to position hotel-related products. This evinces that tourism and hospitality industries are leading towards an inevitable fragmentation which merits to be discussed and scrutinized.