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Online visibility: analysis of the hotels of Tunja (Colombia)
     Online visibility: analysis of the hotels of Tunja (Colombia)
     Visibilidad en línea: análisis de los hoteles de Tunja (Colombia)

Arévalo Lizarazo, Guillermo Alejandro
Álvarez Burgos, María Inés

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol 25 (2019): July-December; 253-271


Resumo: Tourism is an information intensive sector which has been benefited of internet-based technologycal advances, starting from improvements in internal management to the expansión of promotion and distribution channels. This research aims to measure the use of information and communication technologies as part of a concept called “findability” or “online visibility” of the total population of 75 legally established hotels in Tunja (Colombia). The central hypothesis is that less than 50% of these tourist accommodation companies are visible on social media networks, online travel agencies, map applications, business directories and blogs on the internet. The research concludes that the use of digital media by the hotel sector, in order to develop online visibility, is low for a city which is attempting to become an important touristic destination in Colombia. However, it also realizes the existance of opportunities from public policy and private sector in order to satisfy this need.