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Agroturism as a strategy for diversification of the amarantto food chain in natívitas (Tlaxcala, Mexico)
     Agroturism as a strategy for diversification of the amarantto food chain in natívitas (Tlaxcala, Mexico)
     El agroturismo como estrategia de diversificación de la cadena agroalimentaria del amaranto en Natívitas (Tlaxcala, México)

Flores Barrera, Daniel Gabriel Abraham
Ríos Elorza, Serafín

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol 28 (2021): Enero-Junio; 23-37


Resumo: Amaranth cultivation has great historical-cultural importance due to its use by different Mesoamerican cultures as food and in rituals related to their deities. It has been present in the central region of México since 5000 a.c. The state of Tlaxcala, which is among the main producers of grass, is the largest local producer in the town of Natívitas. Currently amaranth production is at risk, due to the increase in the price of raw materials, labor shortages and excessive intermediation. This research, developed in 2018, evaluates the possibilities of the amaranth agrifood chain, as the axis of a proposal for municipal agro­tourism, based on its cultural and productive revaluation. The results indicate that there are favorable conditions for agrotourism to generate complementary income that will increase the profitability of the crop. The methodology included field work, analysis of the municipal agrifood chain of amaranth and the tourism situation, complemented by interviews with the stakeholders.