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Co-creación de valor online entre consumidores en turismo: un estudio en comunidades de Facebook
     Co-creación de valor online entre consumidores en turismo: un estudio en comunidades de Facebook
     Co-creación de valor online entre consumidores en turismo: un estudio en comunidades de Facebook

Bolzán, Ricardo
Mendes-Filho, Luiz

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol 28 (2021): Enero-Junio; 133-149


Resumo: Internet became an environment where tourists and residents have taken an active role in creating value through social me­dia. Therefore, this empirical, descriptive and exploratory study with a qualitative approach aims to identify consumer-to-consumer co-creation practices in tourism from user-generated content. Netnography was used as a method with the purpose of identifying co-creation processes from interactions among the users participating in three online communities in the social network Facebook: “Argentinos en Brasil”, “Argentinos en Maceio” and “Argentinos en Arraial”. For that purpose, observational techniques and interpretive analysis were ap­plied. The results identified the existence of seven types of practices: conversing; advis­ing; helping; relating; trading; conforming and acknowledging in the social level of the “communitas”, creating value outcomes from a public domain framed in autotelic and instrumental relationships.