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Digital transformation plan for tourism promotion in the vice ministry of tourism. Case study: department of Boyacá
     Digital transformation plan for tourism promotion in the vice ministry of tourism. Case study: department of Boyacá
     Plan de Transformación Digital para la Promoción Turística en el Viceministerio de Turismo. Caso de estudio: departamento de Boyacá

Cabra Salinas, Camilo Esteban
Rodríguez Vela, Diego Alberto
Castellanos Parra, Carlos Javier
Rojas Torres, Cesar Ricardo
Forero Reina, Cristhiam

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol 28 (2021): Enero-Junio; 151-185


Resumo: This article seeks to show the methodology with which the Digital Transformation Plan was designed for the public institution of the Colombian Government responsible for promoting and articulating the tourism sector in Colombia. In Colombia this is called the Vice-Ministry of Tourism. This was based on the Business Architecture of the sector (Kale, 2019), in accordance with the strategic objectives of the Government Plan of Co­lombia to 2022 (DNP, 2019) and the Tourism Sector Plan (MinCIT, 2019). This employed the Department of Boyacá as a case study due to its tourist potential. In this region, the population was asked about the type of transformation they wished to experience and their touristic promotional needs. The results of this work are reflected in the de­velopment of a functional prototype, which sought to identify the transformative process generated by tourism in the economy of the country given the importance of information technologies in the daily lives of citizens.